Carine Camboulives and Manu Bouvet, originally from France, have been living on Maui for 22 years. Their passion for windsurfing and the ocean in general drove them to Hawaii. Over the last 20 years they have made a name in the board riding industry by producing travel stories that get published world wide. Specialized in unchartered and off the beaten path destinations, Carine and Manu have been taking their windsurf, sup & kite boards from West Papua to Mozambique, from the Chagos Islands to Timor via  Ivory Coast or Kiribati.

Along the road the family got bigger with the arrival of 2 daughters, Lou now 9 and Shadé 3. The 2 girls got on the road as soon as they were born and the family’s work has been also about raising awareness on environmental challenges they witness around the world. Their desire to protect the endangered nature they love drove them towards sustainable living on their Lily farm on Maui, visiting school to bring awareness to kids or fight pesticide and GMO propagation on Maui.

Carine is also now a Reiki and Intuition Medecin Practicioner while she just became a certificate Yoga teacher. The whole family is now on for a new experience by moving to Chile for a year where they are doing a house exchange with a local family.